김 석 만 사진
김 석 만
(82-51) 510-2240 (실험실: 3236)

■ 학 력

1987.03.- 1992.02. 부산대학교 화학과(이학사)

1992.03.- 1994.02. 부산대학교 생화학전공(이학석사)

1995.10.- 1998.12 일본 요코하마국립대학 생명공학(공학박사)


■ 경 력

1999.02.- 2000.12. 미국 아리조나대학 화학과 박사후연구원

2000.12.- 2002.10. 미국 City of Hope Cancer Center(Beckman Institute) 박사후연구원

2002.11.- 2006.08. 부산대학교(유전체물성연구소) 연구교수


■ Publications


1. The interactions of ferric and ferrous cytochrome c with cardiolipin in phospholipid membranes studied by solid-state 2H and 31P NMR, Kim S., Shin K., Fujiwara T., Akutsu H., 1998, J. Mol. Struct. 441, p183


2. Osmotic stability of muramyl dipeptide-bearing liposomes and molecular miscibility in their membranes, Kim S., Kiyonaga H., Yamaguchi H., Morozumi T., Fujiwara T., Ando S., Tsuge H., Akutsu H., 1999, Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 72(3), p541


3. Identification of a substrate recognition site on Ubc9, Lin D., Tatham M.H., Yu B., Kim S., Hay R.T. Chen Y., 2002, J. Biol. Chem. 277(24) p21740


4. Role of an N-terminal site of Ubc9 in SUMO-1, -2, -3 binding and conjugation, Tahtam M.H., Kim S., Yu B., Jaffray E., Song J., Zheng J., Rodrigues M.S., Hay R.T., Chen Y., 2003, Biochemistry 42(33) p9959


5. Assignment of 1H, 13C and 15N resonances of the ARID domain of P270, Kim S., Zhu L., Yu B., Chen Y., 2003, J. Biomol. NMR 27(3) p277


6. The DNA-binding properties of the ARID-containing subunits of yeast and mammalian SWI/SNF complexes, Wilsker D., Patsialou A., Zumbrun S.D, Kim S., Chen Y., 2004, Nucleic Acids Research 32(4) p1345


7. Structure and DNA-binding sites of the SWI1 AT-rich interaction domain (ARID) suggest determinants for sequence-specific DNA recognition, Kim S., Zhang Z., Upchurch S., Isern N., Chen Y., 2004, J. Biol. Chem. 279(16) p16670


8. Significant improvement of the pairwise contact energies for proteins, Heo M., Kim S., Moon E.J., Cheon M., Kim K., Chang I., 2004, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 44(6) p1571


9. Environment-Dependent One-Body Score Function for Proteins by Perceptron Learning and Protein Threading, Cheon M., Heo M., Moon E.J. Kim S., Chang I., Kim H., 2004, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 45(2) p550


10. Development of a Thermodynamic Approach to Clustering Ensemble Structures for a Native State of a Protein from NMR Experiment: Application to a Cancer Suppressor Protein P53, Kim S., Kim K., Heo M., Moon E.J., Cheon M., Chang I., Kim H., Lee W., 2004, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 45(2) p295


11. Role and Contribution of Ramachandran Angles in Protein Fold Recognition, Heo M., Kim S., Moon E.J., Cheon M., Kim K., Chang I., 2004, New Physics 48(3) p283


12. Significant improvement of the pairwise contact energies for proteins, Heo M., Kim S., Moon E.J., Cheon M., Kim K., Chang I., 2004, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 44(6) p1571


13. Identification of the Structural Change of Human Replication Protein A (hRPA) in the ssDNA Binding and Redox Potential, Suhkmann Kim, Andre Kim, Chun0Ri Li, Shin-Won Kang, Jang-Su Park, Bull. Kor. Chem. Soc. (Submitted)


14. Unique binding interactions among Ubc9, SUMO and RanBP2 reveal a mechanism for SUMO paralog selection, Michael H Tatham, Suhkmann Kim, Ellis Jaffray, Jing Song, Yuan Chen, Ronald T Hay, 2005, Nat. Struc. Mol. Biol. 12(1) p67


15. Perceptron learning of the pairwise-contact energies of proteins incorporating amino acids